Reducing brightness of LED street lights at night,for UK is a good way to save money

Hartford county, north of London, has began to adjust the brightness of street lamps and save more money.In the past year, Hartford has been cutting back on spending.Now the government is thinking of new ways to save money by turning down the brightness of LED street lights at night.
The first test plan, which "reduces brightness and reduces street lights switch," has start as LED street lights are enabled.The plan focuses on parts of area, reducing the brightness of the lights during the night and shortening the lighting time. 

Existing street lights have been cut by 25 percent from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Plans to adjust the brightness and reduce the running time of LED street light have been tested in several local communities and assess the response of local residents.

In February 2016, there were also be a bi-directional test for local people, residents and police.The county council is keen to understand how residents respond to the policy.

The test is expected to start between January 2016 and February 2016, with a one-year on-site and remote lighting assessment.After the results of the test, the road panel meeting will be presented and the relevant results will be notified.


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