The penetration rate of LED street light in China is close to 30%, and the construction of smart LED street lamps will meet the new opportunities

With ascension LED chip and drive power supply technology, the problem of heat dissipation, light failure and power supply of LED street lights is solved , at the same time, prices continued rapid decline so that improve cost performance of LED street light .

Domestic LED street lights gradually replace the traditional street lamp as the main force of new installation lamps, at the same time, the future of the LED street lamp intelligent control features more strengthen the advantage of LED street light products, in the current under the background of energy saving and emission reduction, local governments are widely promote the LED street light products.
LED street light

As the Chinese government subsidies have quit, street lamp transformation is nearing an end, and the coastal developed areas of China LED street lamp transformation will take part in the steady growth of benign, and overseas market is emerging as a future growth engine.

TEK lighting survey data show that the collective benefit from domestic LED market rebounded, In 2016, LED street lighting market in China reached 9.46 billion,, up 15.4% from a year earlier, up to 30% by the end of 2016 domestic LED street light permeability.

Wisdom city also built by concept to explore gradually into the substantive phase, with the accelerating of wisdom city construction, and the Internet of things, cloud computing is a new generation of the wide application of information technology, intelligent LED street light construction will usher in rapid development opportunities.By 2020, China's market penetration of LED street light will increase to about 40 percent.

In terms of current market conditions, this year's road lighting market is significantly better than 2016.Along with the globalization trend of "energy conservation and emissions reduction, low carbon economy", and the full support of the policy of our country, the local government has attached great importance to the application of LED street light, LED road lighting lamps and lanterns use have more market opportunities.


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