0-10V dimming LED high bay light manufacturer to tell you, the future of LED lighting industry

With the ascension of the LED technology and the national energy conservation and emissions reduction, traditional lamps and lanterns has gradually lost market share in the field of industrial lighting. Under the huge market demand, more and more LED high bay light manufacturers want to join. Just a few short  time the geometric growth, 0-10V dimming LED high bay light competition is especially fierce.

Vendors spurt of growth, but the quality is good and bad are intermingled. Some people seize the moment, depress the market price, want to malicious cash. Many enterprise conscience in the face of the unscrupulous manufacturers have a headache.For instance,TEK lighting has launched a high configuration of 100W 0-10V dimming LED high bay light , priced at 89$. But on a famous online shopping platform other merchants only sold 60$. why there are such high price difference between looks very similar in the two goods ?

"Our clients are not very clear of the 0-10V dimming LED high bay light, so saw two similar product prices have far, go to buy cheap. But not to think about why the price can differ so much. Only see the immediate benefits and vested interests, don't think about cheap lamp can use how long?"

Let’s used TEK 200W 0-10V dimming LED high bay light to replace 400W MH, how long reach return on investment ?
200W replace400WMH

This is the current situation of the LED lighting industry, unscrupulous merchants shoddy, occupy the market share by low price, but this is a bad way.They do not consider the future prospects of the industry, only to the fastest speed circle money and run.Finally leave this industry is bad reputation and chaos.

In fact, make a 0-10V dimming LED high bay lights is not complicated, but if you want to do from each link strict control.Whether from product design, the selection of raw materials, the assembly of lamps and lanterns, etc., each link to achieve excellence.

LED lighting industry in this area is not one of the emerging industries, but to make this business bigger and stronger, we still have a long way to go.


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