What ‘s the reason of chemical plant choose 0-10V LED high bay light ?

In our country, large and small chemical enterprise has a lot of, some weak chemical enterprise, in order to save cost, in terms of use of lamps and lanterns, choose some inferior explosion-proof lamp, led to dangerous only regret. And strong chemical enterprise, in the aspects of choosing lamps and lanterns, are generally selected 0-10V LED high bay light. Although compared with the ordinary explosion-proof lamp, 0-10V LED high bay lighting lamp is expensive, but in terms of safety, is undoubtedly improve several classes.Chemical companies work is exist a big security hidden danger, operation is not only easy to cause explosion, so the quality of the explosion-proof lamp is very important.

 0-10V LED

Chemical enterprise why use 0-10V LED high bay light? 0-10V LED high bay light has many advantages, such as long service life and long warranty time, safety performance is strong, high brightness, good appearance and convenient installation.These advantages, let more chemical companies to replace the traditional explosion-proof lamps and lanterns, began to choose to use 0-10V LED high bay light.
Chemical plant production of safety hidden danger is very large, because in the process of production, is easy to be an explosion accident, need to consider all sorts of problems, the light is one of the key, because use time is longer, so a critical temperature ascension occurs, thus easy to react with chemical plant dust, once reached a tipping point, so will be an explosion, this is not something that cannot be redeemed.
Ordinary light is unable like 0-10V LED high bay lighting lamp safe stability, this is undeniable.
0-10V LED high bay light for the safety of the process is in place, light using temperature is difficult to ascend up and heat treatment is very good, have a temperature, so there would be no explosion.This is why makes the chemical enterprises choose 0-10V LED high bay light, because can very good solve the problem of the root of the temperature induced by explosion of lamps and lanterns, can better guarantee the safety of chemical production.
Another aspect is that the use of chemical plant common lamps and lanterns, because of environmental problems often lead to a failure, you need to be replaced continuously maintenance, if use 0-10V LED high bay light, so won't appear such problems, because 0-10V LED high bay light has strong stability, use cycle can last three to five years, so you can save more cost and artificial cost.


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