Problem of energy-saving LED street light in our country and its development trend prospected

At present, the lighting electricity consumption accounts for about 13% of the total electricity consumption, the road lighting accounts for 25% ~ 30% of the entire lighting electricity consumption, thus the road lighting has great energy saving potential and space.

In recent years, the development of energy-saving LED street light and demonstration project has made great achievement in our country, one of the leading enterprises in the international.But there are also many bad places and exposed some problems, needs to be improved.The problems mainly include:
1, grasp the quality of white LED light source is lax, improper use.Including the flux of the light source, light failure, light color and life quality, thermal management, large quantities of products, such as the reliability and consistency of performance indicators is relaxed, and the domestic high power LED light blue chip failure is serious, thus causing some LED street lamp lighting engineering the result is bad.

2, the cost is higher.High-power HBLED light source, lamps and lanterns, the market price too expensive.In recent years, however, power type HB LED light source module will continue to improve, the quality of the price down.More efficient and less defects of homogeneous junction GaN substrate InGaN LED chip has been developed successfully.

3, need to be advanced, lightweight heat dissipation system, optical system and high efficient drive power supply.Currently use efficient silicon thermoelectric conversion technology, with nanometer silicon wires LED the heat energy produced into electrical energy, in providing for the LED light source is expected to achieve in the future.

LED street lamp is the developing direction of the street lamp, it will no doubt bring considerable lighting energy saving effect.In the future, in combination with solar and wind power LED street light by people more and more attention, has become an important development direction of LED street light.Too can combine with LED street light, photovoltaic power generation system or combines power and LED street light, can also be a windmill - solar power systems - LED street light the three combination, the system can implement "zero-energy" lighting.Its basic principle is the solar energy, wind energy into electrical energy, stored in the battery drive LED light source directly.

LED street lamp is a new industry, the development of some related high-tech energy-saving LED light source will be conducive to improve quality, reduce cost and LED street lamp, industrialization and widely used as soon as possible.Promotion of energy saving of LED road lighting, will effectively reduce electricity bills, reduce the cost of cable laying and maintenance costs, achieve the goal of energy conservation and emissions reduction.


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